About Us.

At Beacon of Light Family Chiropractic, you can expect high quality chiropractic examinations to meet your specific needs for care. As you make your first appointment, our loving and caring staff and doctors are trained to assist your transition from pain management mind set to a wellness way of life. WE are always accepting new patients, with a focus on the entire family’s wellness, from newborns to every stage of life.
Doctors You Can Trust

Drs. Jason and Kimberly Taylor
Dr. Jason Taylor is a third generation chiropractor. He graduated from Sherman College in 2004. After practicing with his father for 10 years, Dr. Jason and his wife, Dr. Kimberly, opened their own office in 2014.
Dr. Jason is originally from Knoxville, TN and met his wife, Dr. Kimberly, while attending Sherman College of Chiropractic.
Dr. Kimberly is originally from New York.
Both share a passion for family care and chiropractic wellness care.